"Soul Sermon" by M. J. L. My aim here is not to draw you in, My aim is to accuse you for your sin. Thanks to you I am no little Savior, I can only point out your behavior. I am but a herald, I am but a sign; I tide the inner Christ you malign. I urge you now to repent, Or soon by Satan’s horns be rent. All your folly will come to naught, If your consciences still fall short. Hear me now, and hear me well; Or prepare ye be sent to Hell. Your Dr.s and nurses are evil forces; Your border guards are lazy and lax; Your politicians are mere front men, They steal from the better and call it tax. Your kids locked all day in criminal jails, Their mothers away, ignoring their wails. Your prisons a den of Sodom & Gomorrah. Your Laws a tyranny, cruel and bizarre. Your food industry, an atrocity. Your water, poisoned. Your Left and Right, No longer know how to talk. --- We have made Him heavy with woe; For all the fallen children inside and without us... And He now brims ...