On Culture Today
When we are assessing the state of our conscience today, vis a vis topics like racism, 'xenophobia', ( a long with perhaps others such as woman's rights, gay rights, etc.) don't forget, it is only 'white' societies that people of other ethnicities flock to come to and are largely welcomed into. A bunch of poor, low-skilled, politically under-fire Jews or white Caucasians would neither be wise to immigrate to sub-Saharan Africa, or Saudi Arabia, or even China (given the working conditions of their poor, low-skilled laborers), nor would they likely be nearly as safe or as accepted if they did. In many cases, they would be outright persecuted, particularly if they were Christians or, even worse, atheists. They certainly wouldn't be rushed onto a welfare scheme where they can receive without doing any labor not less than 10s of times their previous salary plus having their special 'feelings' catered to in Law. As thanks for provid...