On Culture Today

When we are assessing the state of our conscience today, vis a vis topics like racism, 'xenophobia', ( a long with perhaps others such as woman's rights, gay rights, etc.) don't forget, it is only 'white' societies that people of other ethnicities flock to come to and are largely welcomed into. A bunch of poor, low-skilled, politically under-fire Jews or white Caucasians would neither be wise to immigrate to sub-Saharan Africa, or Saudi Arabia, or even China (given the working conditions of their poor, low-skilled laborers), nor would they likely be nearly as safe or as accepted if they did. In many cases, they would be outright persecuted, particularly if they were Christians or, even worse, atheists. They certainly wouldn't be rushed onto a welfare scheme where they can receive without doing any labor not less than 10s of times their previous salary plus having their special 'feelings' catered to in Law.
As thanks for providing a huge, unreciprocated boost to the prospects of foreign peoples, indigenous Westerners are supposed to be ashamed of, or not celebrate, their own culture that everyone else wants to get a piece of? Not only can they be proud of their heritage and assertive of their values in the face of competing foreign values, but, logically speaking, they have rather more objective reasons to be proud of them than other cultures, most of which are, simply being honest, quite clearly proven failures the results of which their people are now fleeing (which is not to say that the West too doesn't have a lot of work to do to improve itself).
Therefore, we shouldn't allow the fact that 'white pride' is so often associated with extremist far right groups to force us prematurely into thinking we must lopsidedly denigrate such terms, but instead seek to learn from it how skewed and nefarious the mainstream media and elites are who determine the narratives. The fact that it has been so sadly associated with these nasty groups, is in many ways just an ADDED REASON to RECLAIM this banner for the moderate, decent, majority portion of the population, and not let it be run by these troublesome fringe organizations with such sordid and despicable histories. Having said that, there is a problematic feature of all racial pride movements that applies equally to 'white pride' as to 'black pride' or 'Asian pride'. The fact is, that skin color or membership of a race is not by itself a good reason for pride at all, and the tendency to laud it heavily evokes the collective madness and dangerous chauvinism to which all groups are prey and which time and again has wrought such terrible catastrophe on our collective humanity.
A more mature stance would be to promote pride in humane values, or, in this case, traditional 'Western' values such a freedom of speech, reason and evidence, property rights, due process of the law, separation of Church and State, the nuclear family, considerable tolerance over lifestyle choice and sexual orientation, and Christian love. Which, again, is not to say that the West doesn't have a lot of room for improvement (many people will point to the history of colonialism here, but it should be noted that what mostly distinguished the West is the advanced technology, civilization and values that permitted its success, rather than the tendency towards warfare and conquest itself which nearly all peoples have shared. Again, as regards slavery, what distinguishes the West is not that that they practiced it, which many other if not all cultures have done - but that we abolished it. But there are yet many other areas where the West falls atrociously short - such as psych. rights, protection of the environment or animal welfare - many of which still go shamefully under-attended to or even actively suppressed in the mainstream media. I am thus in no way suggesting that we rest on our laurels. Perhaps the best argument against what I am saying here is that in some respects, it is precisely the West's policies towards the rest of the world that have resulted in their societies becoming such 'failed States'... O, friends, you see how we have betrayed our fellow man !.. And in betraying him we have reduced him, and now he reduces us, in turn... However, I think there is good reason for saying this former view is only a partial truth, and even if it is true it does not negate the degradation and poverty to which these countries are now subject; it is foolish to blame the internal chaos and dire misery of a people entirely on outside forces, and not in someway entwined with those people's own value system - even if this decline in values was caused partly by the aforementioned interference. As an example of this, one can look at the extreme misery, poverty and institutional terrorism of Eastern Germany under communist socialism, compared to the amazing resilience and prosperity of its Western counterpart pursuing more free-market, capitalist principles.). Similarly, it doesn't mean that other peoples can't have pride in some of the values associated with their descent, but they too might want to take a good look in the mirror first, particularly in view of where they are fleeing from.
Not only does it have the right to be, but if it fails to be assertive, our - and, here, I now include all people's, tribes and races who I urge to embrace it as a crucial part of their own identity and inheritance; for, truly, the things I mentioned are not merely 'Western' values, but very often central, superior HUMAN values, contemporaneous with nobility and flourishing everywhere for all times. - if OUR very culture - true culture - which has proven such a beacon and safe haven to others fails to be assertive, it will very soon be almost totally snuffed out - it is already happening for those with eyes to see - and a new dark age will reign on this earth, perhaps worse than any before, in its combination of unsurpassed technological power together with moral backwardness (or, perhaps in more honest and needfully bracing words.... its unparalleled capacity for sheer, undiminished evil and inhumanity of man against man).


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