Trump The Hateful Hater: A Motivational Speech
*the proceeding paragraphs are intended merely as an inspirational speech, with no intent to provoke hatred or (terribly vulgar) political action of any kind - only steely self-love in all the disowned, most spat upon and despised parts of ourselves and the determination, resolve and beatific self-realization that has the potential to make possible* *** It is the most hated and hateful men who society instinctively looks to for leadership. Though at first the herd respond with resistance, they already sense his superior strength, and this apparent reluctance is merely a socio-biological mechanism by which they test its authenticity and further temper it, like a sword in a smithy, to finest steel. Thus, today, we see that the only real players still vying for popular consciousness and approval, for our future, are Trump and the Far Left (as a group), respectively the most hated and the most hateful. All the rest are paper tigers. Nobody really cares about any of them. (Hilar...