Barack Obama: The Perfect Nihilist

Globalist puppet supreme, 
Coldly, rationally, calculatingly steering us towards ruin
And disaster, for the sake of narrow, immediate gain. 
Waging phony wars to keep up the charade,

It must be so funny being in his shoes. 
Such charming and utter cynicism. 
They themselves are the biggest, the grandest of illusions,
And yet they live with none.
It sure beats some creepy circus show,
These world-historical mannequins. 
Perfect nihilists.
World rotating around his empty core.

What energy and gusto they have to carry on the act.
That's true heroism. No wonder they are not unpartial to a round of applause. 

One genuine, naive social activist, a modern day 
Martin Luther King came before the secret court:
'The Patriot Act' had him on terrorist conspiracy:

"Gee, what do you expect, man?" thinks Barack. 
"Hey, I was raised with nothin'."
"Am I my brother's keeper?"
"I came from dirt, man." 
"Don't expect me to tidy up after your mistakes, fool." 
"I'm just a humble man trying to look after his own back."
"Don't you dare cast that look at me, you black bastard."


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