Darwinian Love

Since human beings are fundamentally the same in so many ways - while their manifestations vary, their potential is undoubtedly alike and they all share the same basic faculty for consciousness, pain and pleasure which gives them their moral significance - trying to restrict your love to just a selection of human beings rather than all of humanity is utterly illogical, and only demonstrates one's detachment from reality and his or her own inability for true objective evaluation itself. That being said, when people love only their family, tribe, nation, etc., in reality they are usually loving the whole of mankind through them. What I mean by this is that their seemingly parochial love is actually a Darwinian mechanism which connects them to the species as a whole; when they love their tribe over others, what they are really doing is loving the process of natural competitive selection which has been proven to advance the species as a whole. Realizing that their own tribe has just as much claim to supremacy as any other, showing open-hearted philanthropy to outsiders would do more harm than good; it would merely fly in the face of the Darwinian mechanism for species advancement and give sustenance to those who had not proven their worth on the battlefield. Even for a more modern man, who recognizes the intrinsic worth of every individual, certain 'choices' may be necessary in order to attain the best result for the species as a whole, only because he has transcended the realm of petty tribalism and attained to a true objective valuation, they will not be based upon narrow tribal loyalties, but objective characteristics, that cannot be because he does not love and pity those who draw the short straw. 

The next big question is whether the parochial love is really of such a lesser status, a sign of a more primitive psychological development and abnormality that I am making it out to be here, or is it only the tension between these two types of love- the fact that they war within us and one has to lose out and thereby be denigrated -  and the process of History - the fact that parochial love seems to be the one very much on the retreat and swamped on all sides - that makes it appear that way to us? Could the loyalty to objectivity be the real disorder? Perhaps objectivity in this usage in an aberration of its true function to serve rather than undermine tribal loyalty.... No. Whereas in the past, tribalism served the species via Darwinian selection, now, with more advanced technological weaponry, it is a threat to the survival of life on earth. The power of assessing order of rank, which grows side by side with objectivity - in fact, properly speaking it is indistinguishable from it - is the greatest power on earth to advance the species, which is THE innermost desire of every human being on earth. It was a bit too saccharine when we praised true object love for its own sake; its superiority in dignity is not so much intrinsic to itself - the patriot does not necessarily fail to recognize the 'Being' of his adversaries; he merely in addition recognizes their lack of the quality of political allegiance with himself and places importance on it for the sake of his own survival- the superiority of objective valuation somewhat remains chiefly only in the modern age, not so much in its clearness of vision in terms of objectively human, or even stronger traits... but in of objectively less violent, belligerent or chauvinistic ones, a long with the recognition that it is a deliberate weeding out of such anti-social traits that is most essential to the survival of life on earth. This means it has the far greater quantum of power at its disposal for the benefit of mankind. For us to survive as a species, contra Nietzsche,  we have to privilege pacifism and Law above intelligences that initiate the use of violence, to seek out and humiliate the desire or perhaps even the capacity for war- that which was previously thought, and many of us still feel in our blood, is the noblest of human instincts.


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