The Death Of A Flower Girl

"If hope hath flown away in a dream or in none, is it therefore the less GONE?" 

I met you in a Church garden, my crude-crafted polygonal character 
crashing into your lovely high-definition pre-rendered flower-bed. 
You tended me like one of your daffodils 
Healing me with one of your white magic spells. 
I knew from that first moment 
That our love would be all too brief. 
But little did I know that you would be stolen away 
Long before the slick end sequence... 
Sweet heroine, with footsteps so soft you hopped into my heart, 
I wasn't ready for any love but yours. 
Why, oh why, Sephiroth - you, who I otherwise loved also as a character 
did you have to cut her down ? From that day forth, everything in my life turned black...
 How I searched the internet, hoping to undo The fateful work of that terrible blade, 
Hopelessly cheated and betrayed by fake promises of resurrection... 
Aeris- your name still hangs on my lips, ringing with tears and regrets 
my childish recollection


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